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St John with St Michael Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust



We would like to extend a warm welcome to St. John with St. Michael Primary School, a place where pupils, staff and governors work together as one team to enable each other to flourish and reach their true potential.

St. John with St. Michael is a place where everyone is valued for their individuality and can develop their potential through quality experiences. We feel that effective education is based on strong partnership between school and home with the child being at the centre. 

 We want your children to be aspirational and we aim to teach them learning strategies in order for them to develop a real love of learning. At St. John with St. Michael everyone is a learner and everyone is special. We hold the children’s needs at the heart of all that we do – aiming for excellence, always by following and displaying our school values:


We believe all our pupils should have the opportunity to experience, ‘Life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10), where we endeavour to provide a knowledge-rich curriculum, whilst at the same time, developing skills for life.

We hope you will take every opportunity to engage with us and open communication is key for this to happen. Our school is very much a community where all voices are listened to and valued.

All the staff at St. John with St. Michael Primary  believe that together in partnership we can support, develop and nurture all members of our school community – we want our children to shine and ignite the passion and belief to become the very best they can be and become lifelong learners.

We hope you enjoy our website.  If you would like to see any further information on it, or have any comments to make, please email: office@sjm.fa1.uk – we really value feedback.

We look forward to working with you in partnership to enable your child to flourish and succeed.


Paul Cowburn & Lucy Camps

Acting Headteacher & Associate Headteacher