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St John with St Michael Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust

Our Governors


Each of the Schools within Forward As One CE Multi Academy Trust have its own Local Governing Advisory Board (LAB). Each LAB has a set constitution, governing the types of members and the numbers of members in each category,

The Local Governing Advisory Board at St. John with St. Michael Primary School hold our leaders to account for performance, progress, and attainment. At a local level, we have representation from staff, parents, church, and the wider community.

Each Local Governing Advisory Board operates under delegated powers, assigned to them by the Trust Board and has its own Chairperson, elected by peers from the Local Advisory Board.

The main task assigned to our Local Advisory Board is to drive forward attainment within our schools and Safeguarding duties.

Our Governors

 The Chair of Governors is Mr. Graham Donnan who can be contacted via the school office at:
St. John with St. Michael School, Moss Side Street, Shawforth, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 8EP

01706 852614



Governor Term of Office Dates

Name Type Start Date End Date
Graham Donnan Parent Governor / Chair 14/12/2022 13/12/2026
Paul Cowburn

Acting Headteacher

Nichola Howard Staff Governor 13/02/2024 12/02/2028
Lynnette Windslow

Diocesan governor

(Nominated by Diocese)

01/02/2022 31/01/2026
Reverend Janet O'Neill

Ex-officio foundation governor

(Nominated by PCC/Diocese)

30/03/2023 n/a
Alexandra Barron Parent Governor 05/12/2024 04/12/2028


All LAB members are appointed by Trustees.  

Parent and Staff Governors are elected by parents and staff at the school.


Governor Attendance Records

Governor LAB Attendance 


Governor Register of Business & Pecuniary Interests

Governor Register of Interests