Class 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs McCormick-Worsey

Miss Dalton

Welcome to Class 2

Mrs Worsley & Miss Dalton

Contact us:


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Here in Class 2 we have been up to lots of exciting things!

Take a look...


Pathways to Write

Through carefully selected literature, children in Class 2 have been learning the skills needed to write for a range of purposes. Take a look at some of the beautiul books we will be reading this year...

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As a school we believe reading is not only a fundamental skill, but something which can unlock new and exciting knowledge. As well as allowing children to access the curriculum, reading encourages imagination and creativity!



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This app allows you to record your child's at home reads. The app is available to download via the app store on your mobibe device. Please read with your child as much as you can, we understand that family life can be extremely busy but it is so, so important that your child is able to practice at home. If you require another copy of your child's login details please feel free to pop us an email: 


Read, Write Inc

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Read, Write, Inc is the wonderful reading scheme we use here across the school. Read, Write, Inc teaches the children the skills needed to decode and blend even the trickiest of words using special friends, Fred talk, read the word. Please take a look at the website link provided for additional parent support and information


Pathways to Read

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Once your child has completed Read, Write, Inc they will continue their reading journey through our Pathways to Read scheme. Pathways to Read builds upon the skills already aquired through our Read, Write, Inc scheme; putting their skills into practice, children will be encouraged to read a range of texts focusing on key reading skills such as, comprehension, retrieval and inference. 



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Children in Class 2 are currently following our fab PowerMaths scheme. This scheme takes a maths mastery approach using White Rose Maths!


Year 1:


Year 2:

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Class 2: Latest News items

Class 2: Blog items

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Class 2: Gallery items

Ethos Winners, by Mr Cowburn

Class 2: Calendar items

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