Our Vision for Education

It is our aim that every pupil who attends St John with St Michael, is given the opportunity to thrive within the environment we provide, aiming for excellence, always. Pupils experience an ambitious curriculum from the moment they join us in early years. The curriculum at St John with St Michael is designed to reflect the community we serve which is growing in diversity.

Our vision for education for all pupils at St John with St Michael is that pupils:

  • develop the wisdom, knowledge and skills to enable them to flourish in the next stages of their education
  • develop their understanding of hope and aspiration and how this can be fulfilled
  • value the worth of each person within our school community, treating them with dignity and respect
  • develop the qualities of life which will help them contribute responsibly to their communities

Our vision for education is underpinned by our school’s Christian Ethos Values of LIGHT, Love, Integrity, Generosity, Hope, and Togetherness.

We want all our children to live in the LIGHT of Christ.

‘Living in the LIGHT of Christ’

‘I am the light’ John 8:12


LIGHT Values Logo - Final Artwork RGB (1).png

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