Challenge Partners Report

As an outward-facing and self-improving school, we have taken part in peer reviews to quality assure our work. We are part of a peer review externally provided by Challenge Partners.

Challenge Partners provides an annual school review. Each year we welcome external reviewers; a lead reviewer who is Ofsted trained, two headteachers and/ or a senior leader from other parts of the country.

Our last review was in March 2024. They looked at the strengths and areas for development of teaching and learning across the school, how well our pupils progress and how successful school improvement initiatives have been.

The estimate of judgments were as follows:

  • Leadership at all levels – Leading
  • Quality of provision and outcomes – Effective
  • Quality of provision and outcomes for disadvantaged pupils and pupils with additional needs – Effective


Please click the link to read our Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review Report.


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